Getting Started

Premises are unable to fill up the eSWIS's registration form successfully.
Premises need to complete all the required information in the registration form.
Premises fail to fill up the ROC Number in eSWIS's registration form.
ROC Number is required to be registered only once in eSWIS. This problem usually occurs when the premises have many branches and use the same ROC Number. Premises need to register branch through Manage Branch in Premises Admin HQ Account
No 'features / function' for the premises to change the login ID for the account eSWIS 'admin'
eSWIS provide 2 ID account which is Premises's Account ID (User ID) and Company's Account ID (Admin ID). Premises must login using Company's Account ID to change the profile of the premises and person in charge. For security reasons, Admin ID is recommended only for system administrators in each premises
Login ID for the account eSWIS 'Admin' premises could not be changed
eSWIS provide 2 ID account which is Premises's Account ID (User ID) and Company's Account ID (Admin ID). Premises must login using Company's Account ID to change the profile of the premises and person in charge. For security reasons, Admin ID is recommended only for system administrators in each premises
Monthly records are not displayed in Inventory Summary
Premises should click on the "Filter" button to select the month. Then the inventory will display according to the selected month.
Premises made a mistake when filling up the quantity in Inventory Addition
Premises must update the quantity in Inventory Adjustment by entering the actual quantities stored in the premises rather than entering the quantity of net balance (variance).
Inventory records submitted was missing in Inventory Summary
eSWIS only displays the data submitted for current month only in the Inventory Summary. To view records in the previous month and year, premises need to click "Filter" button and then select the month and year. Inventory records will be displayed according to the selected date.
Premises cannot find the inventory data that was sent previously in the ECN system from eSWIS
Premises can view inventory data that was sent in the ECN from eSWIS. In the Main Menu, go to ECN History > Inventory Summary. Premises will see a list of all inventory records by month. To view the quantity, premises must select one of the records and the quantity is displayed in a report form. The inventory quantity that was sent in the ECN is not displayed in the Inventory Addition
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